
      Make Grooming as Enjoyable as Possible -- For the Both of You

      Grooming sessions should be fun for the both of you, so be sure to schedule them when your cat’s relaxed, perhaps after exercise or eating. You want your pet to remember grooming sessions in a positive way, so you never want to risk losing your temper. If you’ve had a stressful day or are in a bad mood, it’s probably not a good time to groom your cat.

      Keep your first grooming sessions short-just 5 to 10 minutes. Gradually lengthen the time until your pet is used to the routine. You should also get your pet used to being handled. Get in the habit of petting every single part of your cat-including ears, tail, belly and back-and especially the feet! Learn more : Click here  or Click Here to make your cat grooming appointment

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